Friday, April 24, 2009

The drawing I can't let you see

My latest adventure has found me mentioned on the front page of our local newspaper after my involvement in a murder case

Don't panic! The Toowoomba Chronicle suddenly found themselves in need of someone to do a quick sketch of someone in court (where no cameras are allowed). So they Googled and found me.

I had only 30 minutes to shower, get dressed in my suit and tie and drive to the courthouse. I did not get a really good view of the accused. There were two door latches in the glass doors between her head and mine. I had only about five minutes, as she had to make only a brief appearance. )The poor man she is accused of attacking had died overnight and they were upgrading the charges against her.)

Anyway, the reporters said I had done a good likeness and the newspaper Editor said he might get me to do a portrait of his wife. (presumably under different circumstances.)

However, to satisfy all my fans here is one I left to dry this morning.

It is based on a photo I took of one of my fellow sketchers at life class, It was done in acrylics on stretched canvas. Like most of my art that I photograph, it looks like I have a bit more work to do on it. Maybe I should put a brush in her right hand and hide her left with a palette and put an easel in the background or maybe I should get on with my next one!
Cheers Des

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